I'm not a child, I work full time, am involved in several school organizations, teach occasional workshops for child care providers in the county. I'm responsible and bright, but have a tendancy to get run over by demanding people. Oh well, we can't all be balls of fire. I'm not very demanding, tend to be easy to get along with, and people I scarcely know confide the most intersting things to me. Husband, on the other hand, is big, loud, aggressive, active and has no patience with fools or users. He is a plain talker--not real tactful, heehee. I would say he is a natural leader. He gets very frustrated in situations where he is not the 'boss.' Usually he is the boss--in work situations, coaching, volunteer groups etc. We 'fit'. Our marriage, with him as Head of the Household, allows us both to relax and be who we really are. While we talk about decisions, we very rarely fight. If something has me upset, he listens, because I rarely get upset with him. His decisions usually turn out well, so I trust his instincts. by Bramble on 2004 Dec 21 - 23:32 | reply to this comment Do such men exist? Thanks to both Tevemer and to Eric for their comments; they seem to provide evidence that such men exist, and so do the women who appreciate them. I read Eric's article, which was original and insightful; thanks, I may have some comments on that later. And with regard to Tevemer's point about men nowadays being afraid to initiate forceful physical aggression without explicit permission, I just made a post to the "submissive alpha female" thread that addressed that. (Basically, I think a man can initiate forceful dominance, if he works up to it slowly.) Now, with regard to "Pat's" comments: "Pat" wrote: "He doesn't exist..the guys who are like that are abusive and dangerous." You know, you're going to have to make up your mind on this one, because "dangerous" and "nonexistent" are two fundamentally incompatible ontological categories. |