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by forty something wife on 2004 Dec 31 - 21:39 | reply to this comment Sweeter and calmer now I am taken in hand I too am a forty something wife. My husband and I have been married for ten years but just developed a taken in hand relationship within the last month. What a difference in our lives ! We both wonder what took us so long to discover it...all the signs of it being the right thing for us were there.

I had been conditioned to think a woman should never be submissive, I was living a lie, trying to be someone I was not.

Although I am a professional woman earning a six figure salary in my own right, I very much need to be counseled, guided and corrected by my husband. My husband is a caring, intelligent man. I had fallen into the trap of not appreciating him and not following him. I too now have a much better appreciation for his leadership skills.

Everyone around me has already commented on my being sweeter, calmer and more rational in everyday dealings. My husband says he is a very happy man and feels he is finally allowing himself to be true to the person he has always been inside.

I was drawn to his old-fashioned ways I'm new to this group and still not sure if there is an introduce yourself thread, so I'll jump right in.

I come from a female dominated home and didn't realize that I didn't truly respect my father. I married a European man 12 yrs older than I am and loved his old-fashioned courtly ways. Before the wedding he told me he would be taking a firm hand in our marriage but having a father who never stood his ground I really couldn't picture what that would be like. On our honeymoon I was more than happy to let him take charge of the money, order for me in restaurants and decide what our daily activities would be.

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Last-modified: Fri, 25 Mar 2022 00:34:05 JST (855d)