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Canine training Tips: Selecting the most appropriate reward

Unsure the best way to reward your pet? Some individuals swear, Only treats! Others exclaim, Only praise! I have faith that our advice would be to ask your canine! To find why her tail wag, do this little experiment while using three a variety of rewards (praise, treats, or toys) individually to determine what your pet enjoys probably the most!

1.Look for a well-known command like Sit. 2.Do five Sits uninterruptedly, rewarding each success with praise only. 3.Three hours later, carry out the same, but reward your puppy using a toy only (no praise). 4.The following day, do five Sits again, making treats your dog's only reward this time around (no praise or toys).

Your solution must be clear: Although praise is often a given, if food or toys excite your puppy - dog training questions and answers, use those rewards, too. The following will give you some guidelines on these reward options:

Treats: Determine what excites your canine. Would it be food? If yours arises her nose at dried kibble, test her using a tiny part of hot dog or possibly a more exciting snack. When working with food to compliment or reward your pet (in dog lingo, this is whats called luring), break the snack into tiny pieces so she won't get chock-full and weary within the lesson. It isn't the dimensions that counts; it's the gift that revs your new puppy up!

Toys: Some dogs cling for their toys as being a baby to a blanket. If the dog features a favorite, use this to reward her. Do things i call a burst: For each successful attempt, tennis ball so the toy either recorded on the ground or up via a flight (let your pet choose which is most enjoyable) and shout, Yes!

Praise: All dogs love attention. For a few, approval alone motivates their interaction all day. In case your dog hangs you like a noodle, arriving her nose at food and shunning toys, then you need who you are a praise junkie, a hard-to-find dog indeed. Use your enthusiasm to propel her mastery of tricks and adventure.

The million-dollar question for you is... drum roll... will you need to make use of treats forever to have your dog to answer you? The solution is, thankfully, no.

Food and rewards are employed in training to help you focus on the behavior that you're teaching and condition a fast a reaction to your command words. After your dog knows the command, you must immediately start phasing off of the physical reward, using just your praise and encouragement instead.

To phase off treats, don't go cold turkey, eliminating them in a single day. Instead, gradually lower your dependence - reward with food every other time your dog behaves, then every third time... then mix things up, giving two treats in a row, the other in thrice, then some other time. The inconsistency of not knowing if the treat should come will keep your canine on her toes. Within a fortnight, you are able to phase your pet off treat reliance entirely... though once in a while while, pop one inch to keep things interesting!

Offering rewards is centered on timing: Targeting your dog's success makes your intentions more clear. Should you miss the minute, your puppy gets the incorrect message. For example, when teaching your pet dog to dance, you target her for standing on her two back paws; in the event you praise her as she's decreasing, she could imagine dancing means the contrary.

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Last-modified: Thu, 05 Apr 2012 08:50:37 JST (4551d)